STOBIMO Predictions
since 2010
One of the aims defined in the water framework directive is to achieve a good status of groundwater as well as surface water and then prevent its deterioration. In Upper Austria some ground water bodies and one third of surface water bodies have a nutrient problem due to nitrate and phosphorus.
In the project STOBIMO the nutrient inputs from varying sources and entrance pathways to running waters in Upper Austria were quantified and visualized using the model MONERIS. This was done together with the Environment Agency Austria (Umweltbundesamt GmbH) and the University of Technology in Vienna. Furthermore, agricultural and water management measures to reduce nutrient leaching were developed and their effectiveness in the different catchment areas calculated by taking into consideration assumed participation rates. Then the effects on water quality were modeled.
In the next stage a prediction tool is being developed together with the project partners to anticipate the effectiveness of measures and to be able to give a statement concerning the achievement of the targets for every catchment area in Upper Austria.
Read more about the project! (only in German available)