Additional investigations pursuant to §13 Abs. 1 and § 14 Abs. 3 ALSAG, 
contaminated site “Putzerei Counde”, Vienna

2003 – 2006, 2009 – 2014

The investigations were carried out with wpa acting as the consulting engineer and were arranged and financed by the Federal Ministry for agriculture, forestry, environment and water management (BMLFUW) under the umbrella of the “Altlastensanierungsgesetz (ALSAG)”, i.e. federal law for financing the remediation of contaminated sites. The findings are the basis of the risk assessment carried out by the Federal Environmental Agency – Austria.

A contamination of the site’s groundwater with chlorinated hydrocarbons was detected. The premises were used for industrial purposes in the past including a dry cleaner’s (about 1959 to 1971), nowadays a housing complex is situated there. To assess the potential environmental risk of the site the following works and examinations were carried out amongst other things either directly by wpa or were planned, coordinated and supervised by wpa:

  • Research on the history of the site (documents, construction plans, previous investigation)
  • Installation of 4 permanent soil gas wells for soil gas sampling and long time monitoring (8 to 24 hours pumping) in 4 rounds
  • Indoor air quality investigations
  • Conducting of 43 ram core drillings with solid samples taken as well as water samples from the borehole for chemical analysis
  • Installation of 9 groundwater monitoring wells
  • Collection and chemical analysis of groundwater samples from new installed and existing observation wells (bailed samples, pumped samples and samples collected during pumping tests) in overall 7 rounds
  • Evaluation of results and Reporting

Based on these investigations the contaminated site was registered by the Federal Environmental Agency as contaminated site “W24 – Putzerei Counde” and rated as priority “2”.

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